
Modern Warfare & Butter: A Quiet Saturday In

After what felt like a big social weekend for me & Adam (read:going out two nights in a row with new people--gasp!), we made sure today would be a lazy Saturday.

We ventured outside in the morning (my only time out of the apartment the entire day) to stock up on the necessary lounge-around goods at the Abu Dhabi Co-op Society: Play Station 3 and ingredients for my first-ever batch of cinnamon buns.

It was a traditionally genderific day indeed: Adam killed virtual dudes (and some ladies) playing Modern Warfare for many hours, while I baked away in the kitchen. This evening, we feasted on shawarma and the most *insanely* delicious sugary things I think I've ever created. It was a good day.

Got the word on the Pioneer Woman blog from an awesome new person I met dune bashing yesterday (more on the bashing of dunes to come).

To be sure, the only healthy thing in the entire cinnamon bun recipe is the second item from the left, the soy milk. Everything else is pretty evil -- in the most delicious way, of course.

Evil Exhibit A: Butter, and LOTS of it.

We're waiting to get all brown and warm and ooey gooey, thankyouverymuch.

The finished product. If only blogs had scratch & sniff functionality, I'd woo you all over to Abu Dhabi with the smell of this photo alone.

Happiness is a warm cinnamon bun.

Cinnamon bun stats: 3 for me & Adam tonight, 2 for Ruth, 1 for Trinidad, 7 for Adam's Al Jazira coworkers, and 6 more in the fridge for... I need more friends, or I'm gonna be in trouble with all these buns around!
Here's a link to Pioneer Woman's recipe for those of you who dare to dream the buttery, sweet dream of homemade cinnamon buns.