
falafel butt & coconut cream

Say what? Falafel butt
Lou Lou (my twin sister) knows me so well, she knew this photo--snapped on the streets of San Francisco--would make me oh-so-happy. It also happens to be very full o' falafel blog appropriate.

It's day 3 of our nutritional journey, so I don't envision too much conventional falafel in my near future (though there will be primal falafel recipe experimenting at some point).

I did, however, eat 'nola with banana, apple, and coconut cream this morning for breakfast. It felt so wrong in all its creaminess, but tasted so good--and is apparently good for me. I ain't complaining.

It may be premature, but I'm feeling quite optimistic about this whole no grains, no sugar business. I also have some equally premature predictions that: 1. the awesome, yeasty spots on my back will disappear, and 2. my hamstring issues will greatly dissipate. Time will tell...

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